TweetDirector is an iPad app for broadcasters that uses Dropbox to manage Tweets, user's avatars and posted images.
Tweets, avatars and images are directed to a Dropbox that can be read automatically by a Chyron Lyric message and put to air within seconds with no need to copy and paste.
Features include:
Retweets are automatically hidden and tweet content is stripped of web addresses and emoticons.
Multiple Dropbox folders can be managed, for example Graphics, Talent, Save for Later etc.
Multiple Tweet selection and easy send to any folder.
Instant Chyron Crawl button that assembles a formatted crawl with avatars and font/colour changes for immediate recall by Lyric message.
TweetPlayer free PC software available to play TweetDirector Tweets to Chyron, Clarity, Aston 7, Viz & Tog graphics devices.
Full screen preview of Tweet Media Images for approval prior to broadcast.
Automatic cropping of images to user-specified aspect ratios, portrait and landscape, for consistent on-air look.
Can be used by on-air Talent to view tweets that have been selected by production using full screen Talent Mode.
Multiple TweetDirectors can fetch and manage tweets using the same Dropboxes.
No infrastructure needed, Tweets can be selected and moderated by anyone, anywhere in the world.
For more details and support visit the TweetDirector support page.
Tweets can be fetched from timelines, Twitter searches & folders:

Semi-automated editing of content:

Once selected, Tweets can be sent to any folder:

Full screen Talent Mode for viewing: